Jane Iya

Is a clinical & counseling psychologist by profession with midwifery background,

Jane is a distinguished member of the Community Advisory Board on the Research Ethics Committee at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, where she reviews and approves research protocols. She also trains group support psychotherapy with SEEK-GSPI at Makerere's School of Psychiatry, providing interventions for mild and moderate depression.

Jane has trained health workers and lay workers in Uganda, Nigeria, and Cameroon to offer group support psychotherapy. She co-investigated a study on mental health support for survivors of gender-based violence during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Key research projects include:

  • The effect of COVID-19 on research processes in Uganda
  • The ethics of data sharing in Uganda
  • Tele-support psychotherapy in Kampala slums
  • Home-based counseling and testing
  • Assessing research integrity at Makerere University



She authored a manual on Group Support Psychotherapy for young HIV-positive individuals in Uganda. Jane's consultancies include providing crisis counseling after a fire outbreak at St. Bernard Maanya school, technical support for GBV services with World Vision, and training legal officers in GBV for Justice Centers Uganda.

With experience in HIV prevention, care, and treatment in multicultural settings of displaced persons and refugees, Jane is also a member of the Uganda Counseling Association.